07/11/2022 – Climate Migration Debate Cafe
Mon 7 November, 8 pm Dominicanen Bookshop, Dominicanerkerkstraat 1, Maastricht For the first time in human history, the world is confronted with such a drastic change in the climate that it will affect us seriously within one generation. Heatwaves, failed crops, rising seas, fatal floods and damaged ecosystems are threatening the livelihoods of billions of people. The UN International Organization for Migration has estimated that humanity will face 1 billion environmental migrants in the next 30 years. However, a constructive public conversation about climate migration has failed to materialize yet. Questions are more directed towards how migration in general can be halted, instead of thinking about and planning for the inevitable event of climate migration. What new mechanisms for migration and mobility do we need? Is migration the problem or the solution? How can we bridge the gap between the global north and the south, which will be disproportionately affected? Should we leave the nation-state model? Do we need to put our energy in climate adaptation? Join tonight’s Debate Café to hear a panel of experts on these issues and participate in the discussion yourself.
Nidhi Nagabhatl, Senior Research Fellow and Cluster Coordinator: Climate Change and Natural Resources program at UNU CRIS
Melissa Siegel, Professor of Migration Studies, UNU-MERIT, United Nations University, Maastricht University
Maheen Khan, Lecturer Sustainability, Maastricht Sustainability Institute, School of Business and Economics
Teun Dekker, Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education, University College Maastricht
Organized by Global Studies Community, Universalis, Maastricht for Climate and Studium Generale.
The Debate Café covers important developments in science and society. It’s a meeting place for experts, researchers, experience experts and students. A panel will talk about current societal issues from their expertise point of view to shape our minds. The audience is also invited to participate and go into debate with the panel to exchange ideas. The Debate Café will be held in an informal setting. This Debate Cafe ties in with the exhibition No Access, organized by Viewmaster Projects in the former NATO-Headquarters De Cannerberg. This video art and media exhibition about border control and migration and can be seen until 13 November, click here for more information.