
Below you can find a list of our members’ most recent publications. You can find the full list of publications through the Maastricht University’s institutional repository (PURE).

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Found 103 publications:

Gabrielsen Jumbert M. & Godin M. & Ike N. & Lebon-McGregor E. (2025)
Conditionality, Compensation, or Both? Comparative Experiences of Third-Country Cooperation on Migration with the EU
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Tsourdi L. & Zardo F. (2025)
Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Ogden L. J. (2024)
Phoning Home: Migrant Youths’ Digital Mediations of Embodied Mobility
Current Anthropology 65(6)

Mazzucato V. & Schans D. & Schenetti C. & Wyatt S. (2024)
Navigating contradictions: justifications and imaginaries of the initiators of European migration information campaigns
International Migration

Kuschminder K. & Mazzucato V. & Naami M. (2024)
Alternating temporalities experienced by North African unaccompanied minors in The Netherlands: a story of waiting and hypermobility
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

López García A. I. (2024)
Migrant money and political unrest: Remittances and Support for Protest in Latin America and the Caribbean
International Migration

Reinold J. & Siegel M. (2024)
First Impressions Matter: Feeling Welcome and Onward Migration Intentions of Highly Skilled Migrants
Journal of International Migration and Integration

Martorano B. & Mukherjee M. & Siegel M. (2024)
Scorching heat and shrinking horizons: The impact of rising temperatures on marriages and migration in rural India
UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2024-011

Hillenbrand T. & Martorano B. & Metzger L. & Siegel M. (2024)
The power of narratives: How framing refugee migration impacts attitudes and political support towards refugees
UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2024-007

Hagen-Zanker J. & Siegel M. (2024)
What we’ve learnt about how governments can support diaspora contributions to sustainable development
MIGNEX Insight

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