Well-being, Women and Work in Ethiopia
A member of the MACIMIDE Executive Board, Prof. Valentina Mazzucato, MACIMIDE researcher, Dr. Bilisuma Dito, and GTD post-doctoral researcher, Dr. Konjit Gudeta discuss and reflect on how the corona crisis affects the well-being of female workers in foreign flower farms and textile factories in Ethiopia, in light of their research project on Well-being, Women, and Work in Ethiopia (3WE). Many of these female workers the 3WE project focuses on are internal migrants and some have international migration to the Middle East in their backgrounds. Valentina ‘COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis, it is also and very much an economic crisis for many people in developing countries.’ Konjit ‘…in terms of their mental well-being. I’ve spoken to women who felt stressed and worried by the situation and how their jobs will be affected.’
Read their interview here (https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/news/well-being-women-and-work-ethiopia)
Read on the 3WE project here (www.3we.nl)