Migration Seminars
In conjunction with the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), the Migration and Development research theme at UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance organises a series of migration-related seminars to provide a platform to discuss the research output of researchers at the institute and to invite external speakers to share their work. In 2020, we have so far hosted two speakers: Prof. Dr. Maarten Vink (FASoS, UM) who spoke about “Citizenship in the migrant life course: 10 observations on immigrant naturalisation” and Stephan Simon (visiting researcher at FASoS and MACIMIDE) who discussed “Immigration Policies and Political Support. A Survey Experiment in Germany”. More information about past and future events is available here. To join our mailing list and receive invitations to future seminars, or to express interest in delivering a seminar, please email seminar coordinator Veronika Georgieva.