Job vacancy: Post-Doc Researcher in International Relations for the MAGYC Project

The Hugo Observatory (University of Liège, Belgium) is currently hiring the following positions in the framework of the MAGYC project (

1) Post-doctoral Researcher in International Relations (Application deadline: 25/01/2019). 
Link to job description:
NB: Recruitment led by the Hugo Observatory, Sciences Po’s Center for International Relations and GIGA – The German Institute of Global and Area Studies

2) Project Assistant (Application deadline: 31/01/2019). 
Link to job description:

MAGYC stands for ‘Migration Governance and Asylum Crises’ and is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation. It associates twelve academic and civil society partners, inside and outside of Europe, under the general coordination of The Hugo Observatory. The project seeks to seeks to assess how migration governance has been influenced by the recent ‘refugee crisis’, and how crises at large shape policy responses on migration. Within the project, The Hugo Observatory is tasked with the general coordination, communication, as well as research on the structural determinants of migration crises. The project runs from November 2018 until October 2022, for a total budget of EUR 3.2 million).

Contact: The Hugo Observatory Team