Open call for 12 PhD students in 10 Mediterranean Universities

EuroMedMig Marie-Curie PhD Network has opened its call for 12 PhD students in 10 Mediterranean Universities and the deadline to apply is 28 February 2025. The EuroMedMig PhD Network aims to foster a dynamic community of leading Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)…

Vacancy: Program Manager – Cornell Migration & Human Rights Program

Cornell is hiring for a program manager to help continue build out the Migration & Human Rights Program. Please do share the posting widely:–Migration—Human-Rights-Program—Cornell-Law-School_WDR-00050863-2 – and feel free to reach out to any of the co-directors to flag stellar…

Vacancies: Doctoral researcher and postdoctoral researcher (University of Helsinki)

Doctoral Researcher and Postdoctoral Researcher Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki invites applications for the positions of Doctoral Researcher and Postdoctoral Researcher for a fixed term period of up to 3 years 9 months (Doctoral Researcher)…

Vacancies: International Migration Division, OECD Paris

OECD’s International Migration Division has published two vacancies for: – Policy Analyst – Statistician Interested candidates should click directly on the above links or consult the Careers section of the website The vacancies will remain open until 6 November, 2024 23:59 (CET).

Vacancies: Two leadership positions (Academic & Operations) at the RLRH (University of Oxford)

The Refugee-Led Research Hub (RLRH) is looking for seasoned and dynamic leaders who are eager to make a splash in the global refugee higher education space (particularly at the graduate level), and in opening advanced professional opportunities for 500+ displacement-affected…

Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher for the Prince Claus Chair, Dynamics of Youth

Utrecht University’s Strategic Theme Dynamics of Youth focuses on youth development from conception to early adulthood, connecting science with society to empower children, adolescents, and emerging adults. We are honoured to have appointed the Prince Claus Chair: The Science of Well-Being…

Vacancy: Pre- or Post-doctoral Researcher for NWO-funded Project “Digital Skills and Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees in the Netherlands”

The University of Nijmegen is currently seeking a part-time pre- or post-doctoral researcher for an NWO-funded project titled “Digital Skills and Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees in the Netherlands.”  General information: The contract offered is a part-time position (approx….

Vacancy: Doctoral student in Economic History (Lund University)

There is an opening for a Ph.D. student linked to the research project ‘Escaping Segregation: A Longitudinal Analysis of Socio-Spatial mobility, neighborhood policy and immigrant integration in Malmö and Copenhagen’ in Lund University. The PhD student will work in this…

Vacancy: PhD Fellow War, Peace, Justice (Leiden University

The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is looking for a PhD fellow in its research groups War, Peace, Justice and/or Governance of Crisis. The PhD fellow will develop a research…

Vacancy: Research Assistant in ERC Starting Grant Project “MixedRivals” (University for Continuing Education Krems)

Research Assistant in ERC Starting Grant Project “MixedRivals” (m/f/d) 20 hrs./week Advertisement No. SB24-0054 Your tasks • Providing research assistance within the ERC Starting Grant project “MixedRivals”, funded by the EU (see • Engaging in a diverse array of…