01/03/2024 – World Bank Fragility Forum 2024 – Learning from continuous surveying and operational use of forced displacement data in war-torn Ukraine.

Learning from continuous surveying and operational use of forced displacement data in war-torn Ukraine

World Bank Fragility Forum 2024: Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile World

Partnership Day – March 1, 2024, 11:00-12:00 EST (hybrid-event)

Main Complex (MC) building of the World Bank: 1818 H ST, NW | Washington, DC – Room MC4-100

Based on their experience of conducting regular multi-round general population survey in Ukraine, starting at the onset of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, IOM and Multicultural Insights will present lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities in the collection and use of internal displacement and other population mobility data for humanitarian and recovery planning, programming, and advocacy in Ukraine.

Key to informing population statistics and supporting evidence-based programming and policy is the regular and quality collection and analysis of mobility-related data. The session will demonstrate how monitoring of both displacement and return (from within and outside Ukraine), as well as regular investigation into socio-economic conditions, needs, and mobility intentions supports evidence-based humanitarian and recovery response planning.

UNFPA will also share how they integrated IOM’s General Population Survey data and available census, civil registration, and mobile phone operator data to produced updated subnational population projections by age and sex at the Rayon level (ADM-2 geographic areas). These population projections were released by UNFPA as a Common Operational Dataset on Population Statistics to guide UN system-wide and government humanitarian operational response. These projections, which rely on IOM GenPop survey rounds, are also contributing to ongoing efforts by the Government of Ukraine and UN’s efforts around data for solutions to internal displacement.

Finally, The World Bank – Group Internal Audit (GIA) will share the perspective on data for accountability and transparency through their experience in complex, dynamic and fragile environments.

The session aims to provide better understanding of the complexities, while shining light on opportunities around the collection, analysis, and use of population mobility data to inform planning and action in the most challenging and dynamic operating environments, and guide life-saving humanitarian response and durable solutions to forced displacement. The session will also highlight challenges and opportunities for baseline population and displacement data to guide both operational humanitarian response and longer-term recovery and reconstruction efforts.

Opening remarks
Ugochi Daniels, Deputy Director General of Operations, International Organization for Migration (IOM)


  • Neli Esipova, Chief Executive Officer, Multicultural Insights
  • Joshua Holmes, Assessment and Data Coordination Manager, IOM Ukraine
  • Dr. Romesh Silva, Technical Specialist, United Nations Population Fund
  • Jason Ackerman, Manager, Professional Practices & Innovation, The World Bank, Group Internal Audit

Robert Trigwell, Senior Coordination Officer, DTM, International Organization for Migration (IOM)


Registration for in-person participation: https://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2024/02/27/fragility-forum-2024

Online connection for remote attendance: https://bit.ly/ukrainedatacollection

For any further query, please contact Charlotte Kropf (ckropf@iom.int).