Symposium on Migration, Health and Integration
On 26 November the first symposium on Migration, Health and Integration took place, a collaboration between UNU-MERIT (with the Maastricht Centre for Global Health and the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development) and the Radboud University Network on Migrant Inclusion (RUNOMI) in Nijmegen. Dr. Michaella Vanoreand researcher Sarah Roeder collaborated with colleagues from RUNOMI, Dr. Pascal Becker, Jose Muller-Dugic and Linda Sloane to offer an engaging programme: keynote speakers Dr. Santino Severoni from the WHO, Prof. Mario Braakman from Tilburg University and Jose Muller Dugic from RUNOMI spoke on the main stage, whilst parallel running panel discussions on (1) transcultural (mental) healthcare, (2) healthcare systems, access and outcomes, (3) the health/integration nexus, provided participants with the opportunity to showcase their research. The symposium also marked the launch of the Health and Migration Collaborative Community, a growing resource portal that provides short analytical reviews and other support materials for academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders interested in migration and health. Visit the portal here.