30 June: Presentation of the project Integration Policies: Who Benefits? MIPEX 2015 results in Brussels

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Date(s) - 30/06/15
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Maastricht University Brussels Campus


Presentation of the project Integration Policies: Who Benefits? MIPEX 2015 results in Brussels

30 June will mark the publication of the full results of the project “Integration policies: Who benefits?” coordinated by CIDOB and MPG and co-funded by the EU Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. On that day, the website www.mipex.eu will publish the international press release, full data and reports on 38 countries (28 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United States).


For two months, national debates have been organised with stakeholders on the strengths, needs and impacts of integration policies in nearly all EU countries, Canada and United States. The results and debates use the EU ‘Zaragoza’ Integration Indicators to understand the needs and outcomes to monitor on a wide range of integration policies, specifically for vulnerable groups of non-EU citizens: women, youth, families, the low-educated, the sick, refugees, temporary residents, victims of discrimination and the disenfranchised.

The final Brussels event shares the results of these national reflections and asks what the European institutions can do concretely to improve integration in practice through European law, enforcement, recommendations, funding and transfer of best practice. This event focuses on both areas of strength and areas of weakness for integration policymaking at European level. European-wide recommendations will be presented and debated by participants.

Live streaming

The event will be be transmitted live on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW7h_BihFa4 <http://mipex.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9a0096e86d3e74fc91cac262d&id=50a7d9c3ca&e=fb1a383dcb>


14:00 Registration

14:30 Introduction 

  •  Martin Vink, Welcome by Maastricht University’s Center for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE)
  •  Jordi Bacaria, CIDOB. Welcome and the aims of Integration Policies: Who Benefits 
  •  Jan Niessen, MPG. The History and Impacts of the Migrant Integration Policy Index

14:50 Integration policies: Who benefits? Main Results

  • Thomas Huddleston, MPG. Long term residence and family reunification
  • Elena Sánchez-Montijano, CIDOB. Political participation and citizenship
  • Özge Bilgili, CIDOB and Anne-Linde Joki, MPG. Labour market and education
  • David Ingleby,Utrecht University. Healt
  • Q&A

15:30 Coffee break

16:10 PMh High-level panel & recommendations from the countries

  • Elena Sanchez and Thomas Huddleston,  MPG. Presentation of draft European recommendations from analysis of recommendations from national partners
  • MEP Ulricke Lunacek , EP Vice President and Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance (TBC)
  • Laura Corrado, Head of Unit- Migration and Mobility, DG HOME
  • Isabel de la Mata, Senior Policy Advisor, DG SANTE
  • Diana Jablonska, Deputy Head of Unit – Schools and Educators; Multilingualism, DG EAC

17:00 World Café: final recommendations & discussion

Participants discuss and propose changes to the draft European recommendations

  • Zvezda Vankova,  moderator from Maastricht University and MPG

More information.