13/06/2016: EURA-NET Policy Meeting “Temporary Migration and Workers’ Rights: Comparing EU-Asia Experiences and Perspectives”, side-event during the Human Rights Council, Geneva

Date(s) - 13/06/16
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Geneva, Switzerland


Policy Meeting

Temporary Migration and Workers’ Rights: Comparing EU-Asia Experiences and Perspectives

The meeting will take place as a side-event during the Human Rights Council meeting of 13 June 2016 in the afternoon (15h00 – 17h00). It is jointly organized by CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies), University of Tampere, the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University (The Netherlands), PICUM and Migrant Forum in Asia, and it will count with the participation of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Prof. François Crépeau.


This Policy Meeting aims at examining the challenges of new modalities of temporary labour migration to workers’ rights and international labour standards. It aims at comparing and exchanging experiences and public policy perspectives between Asian countries and the European Union. By doing so it will facilitate an enhanced dialogue and mutual understanding on the dilemmas of temporary mobilities to the inclusion, rights and protection of temporary migrant workers and their families.

The following questions will be discussed during the event:

  • What do new modalities and regulations of temporary migration mean for international human rights instruments and standards covering workers’ rights and standards?
  • What are the challenges towards full adherence to the realization of workers’ rights in the current context of large movements of migrants and refugees?
  • How can all workers – including migrant workers, and especially those with irregular status – be included without losing what has been established in human rights instruments on labour?

The Policy Meeting falls within the scope of the EURA-NET research project (”Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of temporary Mobility of People”).  The EURA-NET research project (”Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of temporary Mobility of People”) is funded by the 7th Framework Research Programme of the European Commission.

EURA-NET has sought to attain an understanding of temporary migration between European and Asian countries. Temporary migrants included in the study are highly skilled and low skilled workers, students, migrants’ family members, lifestyle migrants, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. The project has investigated what it means to be a temporary migrant and how policy-makers and other stakeholders view the phenomenon. Empirical research was conducted in China, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine.


  • Sergio Carrera(CEPS)
  • Mari Korpela(University of Tampere)


  • William Gois(Migrant Forum in Asia)


  • François Crépeau(UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants)
  • Marie-José Tayah(ILO)
  • Marije Van Kempen(UNHCR)




Please register to this event through our online registration Form. Please note that registrations will be closed by Thursday 9th June.