CfP: Special issue of The Journal of Refugee Studies
The Journal of Refugee Studies (JRS) is accepting proposals for special issues. JRS is a peer-reviewed journal featuring original, high-quality research related to diverse aspects of forced migration. We welcome proposals that engage with and significantly advance scholarly debates in the field of refugee and forced migration studies. For more information on the Journal and its aims, please see here.
Special issues typically contain eight to ten original articles, as well as a substantive, article-length introduction by the guest editors, which sets out the state of knowledge on the topic addressed in the special issue, the key questions and debates the special issue engages, and the principal findings and arguments made by the contributors. Special issues should have the potential to inform and invigorate future research on issues of broad importance to the field.
Proposals for special issues should be a maximum of 5,000 words, and should include:
– A title for the proposed special issue
– An explanation of the questions the special issue will address, and the nature and importance of the expected contribution
– An explanation of the connections between the proposed articles
– Abstracts for each article (maximum 10 papers, maximum 400 words per abstract)
– Brief biographies for each contributor and guest editor (max 200 words each)
– Details on proposed timelines, and activities related to the proposal (e.g. if the papers have been discussed at a workshop or other forum, to encourage connections and coherence across the special issue)
Proposals that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered. Proposals must be submitted to by 31 August 2021. The editors will review all proposals received by the deadline, and select the successful proposal(s) on the basis of:
– The innovation and potential scholarly advance made by the proposed special issue
– The coherence of the overall proposal
– The originality, quality and diversity of the contributions (e.g. special issues are welcomed that address under-examined topics, regions or populations, or advance critical debates in new ways).
We welcome proposals from researchers from under-represented groups, including those from the Global South. When developing their proposals, we encourage guest editors to consider issues of representation and diversity, including in terms of career stage.
All articles published in the selected special issues will go through the Journal’s peer review process.
Thank you for your interest! Queries may be addressed to