CfP: ‘Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Trafficking from Research and Practice’ (Human Trafficking Research Network Conference)

Human Trafficking Research Network Conference

‘Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human
Trafficking from Research and Practice’
20th – 21st June 2024
Faculty of Law, University of A Coruña (Spain)
Call for Papers

The Human Trafficking Research Network (HTRN) is a network open to academics and practitioners engaged in research and/or practice on the broad theme of human trafficking. The HTRN encourages a multidisciplinary research environment with opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

After several successful online conferences, we are delighted to announce that our first in person conference will take place in June 2024. The HTRN invites contributions fostering exchange and cooperation between researchers from diverse disciplines, as well as practitioners working on human trafficking in different contexts.

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on similar issues in panels to discuss a research topic from a range of perspectives. We will accept individual paper proposals, as well as full panel proposals (preference will be given to multidisciplinary and/or mixed academic-practitioner panels), in any of the following areas and
on intersections between these:

  • Lived Experiences and Survivor-led Initiatives in Research and Anti-trafficking
  • National, Regional and International Legal and Institutional Responses
  • Protection, Prevention, Punishment and Partnership
  • Social Impacts of Trafficking
  • Historical and Conceptual Perspectives
  • Migration, Mobility and Borders
  • Intersectional Perspectives: Age, Gender, Sexuality, Nationality, Race and Disability
  • The Relationship between Technology and Human Trafficking
  • Human Trafficking in States of Emergency (Conflict, Disaster, etc)

The conference will take place at the Law Faculty of the University of A Coruña in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain on 20 and 21 June 2024. Attendance is free and catering will be provided.

Mobility grants:
We aim to secure funding to support mobility grants for panellists who may not have access to institutional funding. Further details will be provided in due course.

Abstract submission:
We invite interested researchers to send abstracts in Word document format (250 words max) to by 14 February 2024. Please include your name, position and institution (if applicable), as well as a description of your disciplinary/practice-based background. Accepted applicants will be informed by 14 March 2024. If you have any queries about the conference, please contact the organisers at