28/03/2024 – Poetry and conversation evening: ‘The Poetry of Forced Migration’

The Poetry of Forced Migration – Malka al-Haddad and Loraine Masiya Mponela: In Conversation To attend, register here Thursday, 28 March 2024, Online, 6-7.30pm UK Time Join us for an evening of poetry and conversation with poets Malka al-Haddad and…

27/10/2023 – Roundtable ‘Practitioners meet Academics: The Role of Academic Arguments in Practical Work with Refugees and Migrants’

ROUNDTABLE ‘Practitioners meet Academics: The Role of Academic Arguments in Practical Work with Refugees and Migrants’ The event will take place on 27 October 2023 at 17:00 online and in person at Queen Mary, University of London’s Lincoln’s Inn Fields…

16/11/2023 – NEXT ITEM NIEUWSPOORT: House of Representatives election debate, are border regions in the picture?

NEXT ITEM – NIEUWSPOORT: House of Representatives election debate, are border regions in the picture? 16 November from 10.30 – 13.00, Nieuwspoort, The Hague In the run-up to Election Day, the Expertise Centre ITEM (the Institute for Transnational and Euregional…

Event: Saving the right to asylum.

Saving the right to asylum” | Event @ Bruegel | 5 March The migration crisis of 2015 revealed the inadequacies of European legal tools in terms of asylum and, by extension, in terms of managing migration flows. In this context,…

19/03/2018 The Future of Syria and the Syrian Refugees

Dominicanen Bookshop Dominicanerkerkstraat 1 Maastricht Date  Monday 19 March, 8 pm Since it started in 2011, the Syrian Civil War has escalated into an armed conflict between various groups and factions of the Syrian people, as well as different international…

European Web Site on Integration’s newsletter 11/02/2016

E-Newsletter 11 February 2016 / Issue n°78 Europe: 1st Call for Urban Innovative Actions prioritises migrant integration Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and…

Costica Dumbrava speaks on radicalisation at the Lisbon Forum of the Council of Europe

 Costica Dumbrava, the Executive Coordinator of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), was invited to participate in the Lisbon Forum on “How to combat radicalisation and terrorism: prevention tool and shared knowledge in the Mediterranean and European…

09/12/2015: Interactive discussion on the trade-off between liberty and security, FASOS

Interactive discussion on the trade-off between liberty and security Organized by Student Representatives FASoS, Orakel and E.S.A. Concordantia The tragic events in Paris have made the debate of Security versus Liberty ever more pertinent. Is there a need for tighter security screening? Does this…

25/11/2015: UM co-organises debate on refugees in Limburg

Debate on refugees in Limburg Organised by SPHINX, L1, Dagblad de Limburgre/Limburgs Dagblad and UM, 25 November 2015, Muziekgieterij Maastricht Start of debate: 7.30 pm Admission: free (max. 300) Language of conduct: Dutch Moderators: Kirsten Paulus and Frans Pollux Participants: Annemarie Penn-te…

Forum: Politicization of EU Freedom of Movement. Does EU Mobility Promote Socio-Political, IES Brussels

Policy Form Wednesday 2 December 2015 // 12:00 – 14:00 Politicization of EU Freedom of Movement. Does EU Mobility Promote Socio-Political Integration? EU freedom of movement, at its origins, was assumed to promote economic and political integration, economic benefits as…