Call for workshop proposals

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Migration Law Clinic of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law organises a seminar on the role of law clinics in strategic litigation in the field of migration law. The seminar will be held in the context of the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition, which will be held on 9 and 10 May 2019 at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. In the moot court competition student teams from all over the world will participate.
The seminar will consist of one or two key note speeches, followed by a maximum of eight workshops. The aim of the workshops is to provide an interactive space for participants (students, academics and professionals) to exchange experiences and knowledge.
Proposals for workshops are welcomed, in particular (but not exclusively) concerning the following topics:

  • How to create, manage or be part of a clinic involved in strategic litigation;
  • How clinics can litigate strategically in the field of migration law (eg as a party/amicus curiae/experts in a case);
  • Educational challenges or best practices in clinics involved in strategic litigation;
  • Cooperation between clinics, lawyers, NGO’s or other partners in strategic litigation

Workshops should actively engage the participants, especially students. For that purpose a workshop should include an interactive part, such as a discussion with the audience or an exercise. Students are encouraged to (co-)organise and/or present a workshop.
You can submit a proposal for a workshop until 1 March 2019 by sending an email to

The proposal should contain:

  • The title of the workshop
  • The name(s), contact details and position(s) of the organiser(s) of the proposed workshop
  • An abstract of max 400 words, in which the topic and the goal of the workshop as well as the (interactive) methods used during the workshop are explained.

On 18 March 2019 we will inform all applicants whether their proposal has been selected.