17/04/2024 – Migration Seminar: Maximizing the development impact of labor migration

Migration Seminar Series: Maximizing the development impact of labor migration

Helen Dempster , Center for global development

In the last few years, there has been a growing government interest in expanding regular labor migration pathways from Global South to Global North countries to meet skill shortages, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, construction, and IT. Yet there is a concern that these pathways will contribute to brain drain in the countries of origin, stripping them of the talent they need to meet their own economic, societal, and climate goals. To mitigate this, the Center for Global Development (CGD) has been working to design these pathways as meaningful partnerships which confer a development benefit to countries of origin. But what does this benefit look like? How can it be maximised? And what issues remain?

About the speaker
Helen Dempster is a policy fellow and assistant director for the Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy Program at the Center for Global Development. Prior to joining CGD, she worked for five years in research communications at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the International Growth Centre (IGC). Dempster holds a MicroMasters in Data, Economics and Development Policy from MIT, a master’s in Africa and International Development from the University of Edinburgh, and undergraduate degrees in Law, Public Policy and International Relations from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Venue: https://maastrichtuniversity.zoom.us/j/84381503177
Date: 17 April 2024
Time: 16:00 – 17:00  CEST

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