Vacancy for a Data Analyst to join the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) team at GMDAC
The Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), based in Berlin, Germany, responds to International Organisation for Migration’s call for upgrading its capacity to collect and analyse migration data, and to develop closer partnerships with data providers and academic institutions. GMDAC acts as a “data hub” for decision-makers and practitioners seeking the best available migration data.
Together with IOM’s Multilateral Processes Division (MPD) in Geneva, GMDAC developed the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) as a benchmarking tool to support governments in assessing their existing frameworks on migration.
They are currently looking for someone to join as a data analyst. The deadline for applications is February 19, with the main requirements being: two years of relevant work experience, fluency in English and French and strong written communication, as they want the person to help with publications. For more information, click here.