UNU-GCM Visiting Researchers Programme
The UNU Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) Visiting Researchers Programme gives qualified individuals an opportunity to research topics related to the ongoing programme on Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural Change, and to participate in other UNU-GCM activities. Visiting Researchers are expected to reside in Barcelona and work from the UNU-GCM office at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.
UNU-GCM is currently offering three (3) positions of three months each to postdoctoral researchers in the humanities and social sciences with expertise in the area of Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural change.
Selection criteria
Applicants should have:
- A PhD in either Migration Studies, Media Studies, Audiovisual and/or Communication Studies, Cultural Studies or in a field of the humanities or social sciences that considers questions of transnationalism, cultural dynamics, female agency, mobility and socio-cultural change;
- A strong record of research productivity and publications;
- The ability to work and publish in a UN working language. A good command of English and Spanish will be an advantage;
- A keen interest to collaborate with the team at UNU-GCM; and
- Willingness to reside in Barcelona for the duration of the residency
Visiting Researchers are expected to:
- Partake in activities, seminars, reading groups and other work of the Institute;
- Carry out a research project to be agreed with the Director in the field of Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural Change;
- Produce an agreed output to be submitted for publication at the end of the three-month period in either a refereed journal or other agreed outlet;
- Be available for consultation from other staff of the Institute for discussions on our research programme: Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural Change.
- Be willing to present a paper based on their work at a conference organized for the research programmes or at a seminar;
- Be a resident in Barcelona for a period of three consecutive months; and
- Work at UNU-GCM and be based in the office for the full period of the residency. Normal working hours apply to Visiting Researchers.
Facilities and Services
Visiting researchers are assigned office space, computer facilities and access to the UNU e-library. Visiting researchers are required to arrange their own travel, housing and health insurance.
Financial Assistance
UNU-GCM provides a monthly stipend of EUR 1,000 as a contribution towards accommodation, medical, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Payment will be made in installments. The final payment of EUR 1,000 will be made upon proof of submission of the final research output, as agreed with the Director, to a refereed scholarly journal or other outlet.
Additionally, there will be financial support towards travel of up to EUR 500, if necessary. No funds will be available for research-related costs.
Proof of Visiting Researcher Residency
Following satisfactory completion of the residency and related projects, successful applicants will receive a letter confirming their stay at UNU-GCM
The deadline for applications is 14 April 2015. See the programme page for more details.