The IMISCOE Migration Podcast: MACIMIDE Co-Director Melissa Siegel on misconceptions of migration and development
Prof. Melissa Siegel was interviewed for the Migration Podcast published by the International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe research network (IMISCOE). In the episode, she speaks about the aspirations that drive people’s decisions to live elsewhere and debunks a common misconception about migrants, which is that people only migrate to flee poverty, war or persecution. Prof. Siegel explains that if these were the only reasons for people to migrate, people from certain countries, such as the US or the Netherlands, would never move anywhere. For this reason, among others, the research at UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance focuses on involuntary migration as well as, for example, highly-skilled migration. Additionally, Prof. Siegel states that most people have a preference for staying in their country of origin, where they grew up and are close to their family. Finally, she emphasises that this information needs to be shared with the general public to decrease misconceptions about migrants. Listen to the full podcast here.