Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health, July 10 to 13, 2019.

The Annual Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health is an event that has gained national and international recognition, since it is one of the few academic spaces dedicated to present and analyze in depth the interrelation between migration, the health of migrants, and global health from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The Summer Institute provides researchers, faculty, graduate students, and professionals working with migrant communities around the world, a unique opportunity to learn about different health issues that affect mobile populations.

The four-day event includes a combination of lectures, panel discussions, hand-on workshops, poster sessions, and field trips, to offer an exceptional opportunity not only to learn, but also to create professional networks. Nationally and internationally recognized experts teach the relationship between migration and global health from a public health, public policy, and clinical perspective, among others.

Today, more than ever, we need to have a better understanding of the health effects of migration, and improve the skills of those individuals dedicated to conducting research, impacting policies, and improving health services related to migration and global health.  We hope to see you at the 14th Annual Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health, which will be held in Oakland and Berkeley, California, from July 10 to 13, 2019.

This year, for the first time we will be offering live-streaming options for those who cannot attend in person. This service will provide access to the morning lectures from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Registration Deadline: 1 July

You can find more information about our event at: