Summer Course on Refugees and Forced Migration York University (Toronto), May 9-13, 2016

The Centre for Refugee Studies at York University is offering its annual Summer Course on Refugees and Forced Migration from May 9-13, 2016.

2016 Summer Course topics will include:
. Forced displacement: International case studies
. Legal approaches to refugee studies
. UNHCR, the Convention and the international refugee regime
. Protracted refugee situations
. Refugee resettlement policy
. Sexual minority claims
. Health and refugees
. Unaccompanied minors, separated children, children on the move
. Borders and migration management

Course Fee: $975 CAD +13% HST (by January 31st, 2016)
Late Registration Fee: $1400 CAD +13%HST (February 1 until April 1, 2016)
For more information: