Special accreditation process: UN General Assembly Preparatory Process for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
The Office of the President of the General Assembly has requested the assistance of GMG members in disseminating information on the special accreditation process for multi-stakeholder participation in the preparatory process for the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.
We would be grateful if you could inform your contacts of the registration process which is open now until 9 April 2017. Non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities NOT in consultative status with UN ECOSOC may APPLY FOR SPECIAL ACCREDITATION TO THE PREPARATORY PROCESS by completing the following registration form:
We invite colleagues to also use your social media accounts to highlight the special accreditation process and the deadline of 9 April. You may wish to draw upon or retweet a Tweet from UN-NGLS:https://twitter.com/unngls/status/842009886070312961
As part of the preparatory process for the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) will organize a series of informal thematic sessions between April 2017 and November 2017, as well as four days of informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearings between April 2017 and June 2018. The organizational arrangements for the preparatory process have been agreed and the resolution on them will be formally adopted soon in the UN General Assembly. Although the resolution is pending formal adoption by the Assembly, the PGA is initiating the process for relevant stakeholders to apply to participate in the process, in consideration that the preparatory process is envisioned to begin in April 2017. The final modalities of the preparatory process remain subject to the formal adoption of the resolution. As a first step, the PGA has requested UN-NGLS, UN DESA, UN University and UN Global Compact to facilitate a process for non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities that are NOT in consultative status with UN ECOSOC to apply for special accreditation to the preparatory process.
The dates of the informal thematic sessions and informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearings of the preparatory process are being finalized. As they are, a separate process will follow for representatives of organizations in consultative status with UN ECOSOC, and organizations that receive UN Member State approval for special accreditation to this process, to apply to register for the sessions and hearings.
Organizations / institutions / entities that are NOT in consultative status with UN ECOSOC that wish to participate in the informal thematic sessions and/or informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearings must apply for special accreditation to the preparatory process. The list of applicants seeking special accreditation will be circulated to UN Member States on a non-objection basis.
NGOs, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities may all apply for special accreditation here:
DEADLINE: 9 April 2017