Senior researcher quantitative International Migration studies (NIDI-KNAW, The Hague)

Job description

The senior research will be part of the theme group Migration and Migrants at NIDI, a leading European center of research in the field of population studies. The research within the theme group covers national and international projects on migration flows, -choices, scenarios and projections as well as the study of (demographic-) behavior and attitudes of those with migrant origin after settlement in the receiving society. Research at NIDI and within the theme group is driven by academic excellence which is reflected in (inter-)national grants and awards. Furthermore, the aim is to also link and translate this excellent and most state of the art research into relevant insights for policy and wider society. Within the theme group there are, in addition to the theme group leader, two senior researchers who work along their own research lines. They closely collaborate with the theme group leader who manages a larger group of enthusiastic researchers of PhD students and postdocs who do research on mainly externally funded projects. The research group thus is composed of researchers in different stages of their academic career and focusing on a specific subthemes within the wider topic of migration and migrant studies. Complementarity in research skills and thematic focus is key to the work of the theme group. In light of this the current vacancy for a senior researcher is anticipated to focus on quantitative studies of international migration. This covers migration flows and statistics but also scenarios and projections of migration. Although the emphasis of the work is on international migration, the regional scope of the work is anticipated to also include Europe (and the Netherlands). The senior researcher should have an excellent track record in research, have substantial experience with project acquisition and management and have established a solid network in the field. It is expected that the senior researcher independently develops / expands the own line of research in a competitive international research context.


  • A PhD in population studies, quantitative sociology, statistics or related discipline with at 5 years of relevant expertise in the field of quantitative international migration studies
  • A thorough background in quantitative data analyses and advanced statistical methods and modeling, including scenarios and forecasting
  • Excellent analytical capacities
  • Outstanding knowledge of academic English
  • An excellent publication track record, proven by publications in key scientific international journals in the field
  • Proven knowledge and network in the field of international migration and/or population studies
  • Proven experience with acquiring externally funded research projects

Employer: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

Application deadline: 27 February

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