Report: ILO Global Study on Recruitment Fees and Related Costs: Second Edition
The second edition of the Global Study is a review of 110 countries across all five regions to document current regulatory approaches and experience on the recruitment fees and related costs. It assesses progress, challenges, and regulatory gaps and offers insights to better understand the global recruitment landscape, the realities that workers, recruiters, and employers face, and the impact of the ILO Definition of recruitment fees and related costs on recruitment practices.
The report was prepared by Dr Elaine Lebon–McGregor, Lalaine Siruno and Giulia Benzi , from Maastricht University for the ILO, under the overall coordination and supervision of Maria Gallotti in collaboration with Heike Lautenschlager, Kenza Dimechkie, Katrine Landuyt and Isabelle Kronisch of the ILO’s Labour Migration Branch (MIGRANT). Favour Offia (MIGRANT) has worked specifically on Annex 4 on trends from the comments of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) and related sections.
To access the report, go to: