Relaunch of the International Migration Institute at the University of Amsterdam
Last year, the International Migration Insititute (IMI) completed its relocation from the University of Oxford to the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). The move allows for the continuation of IMI’s original research agenda to promote new thinking of migration and human mobility as an intrinsic part of global change and development. Through research, generation of new data, and IMI’s working paper series, IMI aims to expand the boundaries of migration research, advance migration theory, promote evidence-based debates on migration and encourage greater engagement beyond academia. Dr. Sonja Fransen is part of IMI and the editor of the IMI working paper series, to which members of UNU-MERIT’s Migration Research Group, including Dr. Elaine Lebon-McGregor, have contributed in the past. For more information, visit IMI’s renewed website, where you can find a full overview of the 168 working papers that IMI has published so far.