Registration Open for Academic Institutes Working on Migration to participate in UN Assembly
Registration Open for Academic Institutes Working on Migration
Last year UN Member States adopted the landmark New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, which included an agreement to hold intergovernmental discussions leading to the adoption of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration at an intergovernmental conference to be held in 2018. Member states have requested multi-stakeholder participation in these discussions, including by academic institutions, and a special accreditation process has been launched to facilitate this participation. Stakeholders include academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, and private sector entities.
For the first time, academic institutions are asked to apply for accreditation separately from non-governmental organizations, through a system set up with United Nations University (UNU). If your academic institution is not ECOSOC-accredited please apply for accreditation here before 9 April 2017 through UNU:
Stakeholders that already have formal consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) do not need special accreditation but do need to register through a separate process which is not yet open. Other stakeholders not in consultative status with UN ECOSOC may apply for the special accreditation by completing the following registration form:
We encourage those of you undertaking work on international migration to complete the accreditation form and to follow developments at the website indicated.
More information on the process will soon be available on