Refocus: An Online Summer Forced Migration in Africa Workshop Series – April 2024

The Refocus: An Online Summer Forced Migration in Africa Workshop Series facilitates developing knowledge and critical thinking on forced migration and protection issues in Africa; and facilitates the training of early career and emerging scholars.

It is being run and hosted by the Refugee Law Initiative, University of London; the Centre for Migration Studies (University of Ghana); the African Centre for Migration & Society (University of Witwatersrand); and the African Academy of Migration Research (AAMR)

It will run every Wednesday in April 2024 and the theme for this year’s series is Forced Migration and Regionalism in Africa today. The full programme can be found here.

The Series takes a hybrid approach to participation. If participants are interested in attending the Refocus Series as a summer school, it will be necessary to join all 4 sessions and then produce a written submission on a topic related to this year’s theme. The piece of work can be a short essay, blog submission, or a piece of creative writing. This will qualify participants for a summer school certificate of completion.

Alternatively, participants are welcome to simply attend all four sessions or attend specific ones. Both forms of participation are free and open to all

To register for the sessions and for more information on participation options please use this link.