Below you can find a list of our members’ most recent publications. You can find the full list of publications through the Maastricht University’s institutional repository (PURE).
- Anschütz S. & Mazzucato V. (2021).Reconceptualizing family reunification from a youth mobilities perspective: transnational youth between Ghana and Belgium. Children’s Geographies.
- Sayed N. (2021). Diaspora Engagement in Afghanistan: A Policy Agenda for Sustainable Development. Cordaid. Access here.
- Strijbosch K. (2021). 10 manieren om migranten te ontmoeten in Dakar. NEMO Kennislink. Access here.
- Haagsman K. & Mazzucato V. (2021). Gendered Transnational Parenting. In: Mora C. & Piper N. (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Berckmoes, L. & Turner, S. (2021) Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction, and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families. Migration Studies.
- Caarls, K., Cebotari, V., Karamperidou, D., Alban Conto, M.C., Zapata, J. and Zhou, R.Y. (2021). Lifting Barriers to Education During and After COVID-19: Improving education outcomes for migrant and refugee children in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence. Access here.
- Ruzibiza, Y., Berckmoes, L., Neema, S. & Reis, R. (2021). Lost in freedom: ambivalence on sexual freedom among Burundian adolescents living in the Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 29(1). DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2021.1889750
- Warnaar, H. & Bilgili, Ö. (2021). Financial aid, remittances and their effect on relative deprivation in Rwanda. International Migration.
- Dubow, T. & Kuschminder, K. (2021). Family strategies in refugee journeys to Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies.
- Ogden, L.J. & Mazzucato, V. (2021). Transnational peer relationships as social capital: Mobile migrant youth between Ghana and Germany. Journal of Youth Studies.
- Manby, B. (2021). “The Sustainable Development Goals and ‘legal identity for all’: ‘First, do no harm’”. World Development, 139.
- Waddington, L., & Broderick, A. (2020). Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the EU. In D. Ferri & A. Broderick (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Disability Law (pp. 89-104). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Manby, B. (2020). “‘Legal Identity for All’ and Statelessness: Opportunity and Threat at the Junction of Public and Private International Law”. Statelessness and Citizenship Review, 2(2), 248-271. More information.
- Cleton, L. (2020). “Book review: Policing Undocumented Migrants. Law, Violence and Responsibility”. University of Oxford: Border Criminologies Blog. Available here
- Fajth, V. and Bilgili, Ö. (2020). “Beyond the isolation thesis: exploring the links between residential concentration and immigrant integration in the Netherlands”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(15): 3252-3276
- Caarls, K., Bilgili, Ö. and Fransen, S. (2020). “Evolution of migration trajectories and transnational social networks over time: a study among sub-Saharan African migrants in Europe”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, doi:
- Geel, van J. and Mazzucato, V. (2020) Building educational resilience through transnational mobility trajectories: Young people between Ghana and The Netherlands. Young. Doi: 10.1177/1103308820940184
- Gkiouleka, A. & Huijts, T. (2020). Intersectional migration-related health inequalities in Europe: Exploring the role of migrant generation, occupational status & gender. Social Science & Medicine.
- Huddleston, T. (2020). Naturalisation in context: how nationality laws and procedures shape immigrants’ interest and ability to acquire nationality in six European countries. Comparative Migration Studies, 8(18).
- Siegel, M. (2020) “Migration and Health” in Bastia, Tanja & Ronald Skeldon, Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development, Routledge.
- Bastia, T., & Haagsman, K. (2020). Chapter 9: Gender, Migration and Development. In T. Bastia & R. Skeldon (Eds.), Routlegde Handbook of Migration and Development, pp. 103-113, DOI:
- De Groot, G.R. & De Groot, D., (2020). Recognition of civil status (certificates), with special attention to secondary recognition of documents already recognizes in another Member State. In: Andre Janssen & Hans Schulte-Noelke (eds.), Researches in European Private Law and Beyond, Contribution in Honour of Reiner Schulze’s Seventieth Birthday, pp. 283-297, See pdf.
- Falcke, S., Meng, C., & Nollen, R. (2020). Educational mismatches for second generation migrants. An analysis of applied science graduates in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI:
- Haagsman, K. & Mazzucato, V. (2020). Chapter 16: The Well-Being of Stay Behind Family Members in Migrant Households. In T. Bastia & R. Skeldon (Eds.), Routlegde Handbook of Migration and Development, 181-190, DOI:
- Hooijen, I., Meng, C. & Reinold, J., (2020). Be prepared for the unexpected: The gap between (im)mobility intentions and subsequent behaviour of recent higher education graduates. Population Space and Place, 2313, DOI:
- Hoye, M. (2020). Cities and Immigration : Political and Moral Dilemma in the New era of Migration. By Avner de-Shalit. Perspectives on Politics. 18(1), pp. 240-241, DOI:
- Loschmann, C. and Marchand, K. (2020). The labor market reintegration of returned refugees in Afghanistan. Small Business Economics. More information.
- Manby, B. (2020). “Nationality and Statelessness Among Persons of Western Saharan Origin. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 34(1), pp. 9-29.
- Müller-Funk, L. & Fransen, S. (2020). Return aspirations and coerced return: A case study on Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon. IMI Working Papers No. 162,
- Schaab, T. and Wagner, L. (2020), Expanding transnational care networks: comparing caring for families with caring for homes. Global Networks, 20(1), pp. 190-207, DOI: 1111/glob.12257
- Labussière, M.& Vink, M. (2020) The intergenerational impact of naturalisation reforms: the citizenship status of children of immigrants in the Netherlands 1995-2016. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
- Schewel, K. & Fransen, S. (2020). Who aspires to stay? Immobility aspirations among youth in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. IMI Working Papers No. 161,
- Adger, N., Boyd, E., Fabos, A., Fransen, S., Jolivet, D., Neville G., Safra de Campos, R. and Vijge, M. (2019). Migration transforms the conditions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Lancet Planetary Health 3(11), 440-442. More information.
- Bilgili, Ö. and Fransen, S. (2019). Return, Reintegration and the Role of State, Migration & Integration 8-Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis, 8. More information.
- Diker, E. and Ragab, N.J. (2019). Diaspora Mobilization in Contexts of Political Uncertainties: Exploring the potentials, limits and future roles of the Syrian civil society in the Middle East and Europe, Study commissioned by the Danish Refugee Council’s Civil Society Engagement Unit (CSEU), More information.
- Fransen, S. and De Haas, H. (2019). The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration. IMI Working Papers No. 156. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. More information.
- Hoye, M. (2019). Sanctuary Cities and Republican Liberty. Politics and Society, 1-31, DOI: 10.1177/0032329219892362
- Manby, B. (2019). “The nationality laws of the Lusophone states in Africa. e-boletim Lei & Justiça (Network Timor), 2(3), pp. 14-34.
- Manby, B. (2019). Anudo v. Tanzania (Afr. Ct. H.P.R.). International Legal Materials 58(3), pp. 603–27.
- Manby, B. (2019). Preventing statelessness among migrants and refugees: Birth registration and consular assistance in Egypt and Morocco. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series (27).
- Manby, B. (2019). Case Note: Anudo Ochieng Anudo v Tanzania (Judgment) (African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, App No 012/2015, 22 March 2018). Statelessness & Citizenship Review, 1(1), pp. 170-176.
- Manby, B. (2019). Citizenship Law as the Foundation for Political Participation in Africa. in Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics,. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.736
- Manby, B. (2019). Report on Citizenship Law: Zimbabwe. Global Citizenship Observatory.
- Wagner, L. B. (2019). Choosing Teams, African Diaspora, 11(1-2), pp. 179-192. DOI: