Theme: Migration and Development
Migration and multi-dimensional poverty
Multi-dimensional poverty is concept that will be used through the project and measured at both the individual and household level. Multi-dimensional poverty includes but is not limited to: material living standards, access and utilization of education, nutrition, health (physical and mental), housing and environment, protection and social inclusion. Within this project, specific dimensions of poverty will be analysed as well as the group of indicators. How does/do migration/remittances affect different dimensions of poverty. This study will be concentrated mainly on the micro level and will focus on Ethiopia, Burundi, Afghanistan and Morocco. Specifically, this study uses household and community survey data to examine these links. It builds on previous research and will use several newly collected Maastricht University data sets. Further qualitative data will be collected when necessary and other available datasets will be utilized when possible.
Project leaders: Melissa Siegel (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance & UNU-MERIT), Hein de Haas (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance & UNU-MERIT). Other UM participants: Valentina Mazzucato (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Technology & Society Studies), Franziska Gassmann (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance & UNU-MERIT), Thomas Ziesemer (School of Business and Economics), Katharina Eisele (Faculty of Law/ CEPS); Hildegard Schneider (Faculty of Law). Societal partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NL), GiZ, ICMPD, UNHCR, CEPS, Open Society Foundations.