MACIMIDE PhD/Postdoc Workshop – 3 April 2014
Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Grote Gracht 80-82)
09:30 – 17:30 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Grote Gracht 80-82, Room 1.003 (Spiegelzaal)
Panel 1: Cross-border Mobility
Chair: Hildegard Schneider (Maastricht University, MACIMIDE Research Theme Leader: Cross-border Mobility)
09:30 – 10:00 Export of study grants in the EU: new perspectives for student mobility and EU citizenship. Alexander Hoogenboom (Maastricht University)
10:00 – 10:30 European Commission’s proposal on measures facilitating the freedom of movement of EU workers within the EU: A positive signal? Hannelore Niesten (University of Hasselt)
10:30 – 11:00 Discussion
11:00– 11:30 Coffee & tea break
11:30 – 12:00 Precedent-Based Patterns and Fundamental Rights in the CJEU’s Case Law on Family Reunification Immigration Marie De Somer (Maastricht University)
12:00 – 12:30 ‘Anton Las-case’ (C-202/11) and the subsequent debate within Belgium: does this lead to reversed discrimination Els Langhendries (University of Hasselt)
12:30 – 13:00 Discussion
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
Panel 2: Citizenship and Immigrant Integration
Chair: Maarten Vink (Maastricht University, MACIMIDE Co-Director and Research Theme Leader: Citizenship and Immigrant Integration)
14:00 – 14:30 Work, life and the Latin American migrant – the complex, intersectional experiences of Colombian highly qualified migrants in Britain. Maria Quintero Obonaga (Queen Mary University, London)
14.30 – 15:00 Being Different: How Descendants of Migrants from Turkey Turn Disadvantage into Advantage in the Corporate Business Sector. Ali Konyali (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)
15.00 – 15:30 Economic crisis, migration and integration: the experiences of Latin American migrants in Brussels, London and Madrid. Anastasia Bermudes (University of Liège)
15:30 – 16.00 Coffee & tea break
16.00 – 16:30 Statelessness determination procedures and the EU. Can the EU get involved? Should it?. Katja Swider (University of Amsterdam)
16.30 – 17:00 The Citizenship Premium. Floris Peters (Maastricht University)
17.00 – 17:30 Multiple Citizenship at Stake: a Critical Assessment of the Croatian Citizenship Policy Towards National Minorities. Nives Mazur Kumrić (University of Liège)
10:00 – 17:30 Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Grote Gracht 80-82, Room 3.002 (Attic)
Panel 3: Migration and Development
Chair: Melissa Siegel (Maastricht University, MACIMIDE Research Theme Leader: Migration and Development)
10:00 – 10:30 Back to Work: Investigating the Occupational Choice of Return Migrants in Afghanistan. Craig Loschmann (Maastricht University)
10:30 – 11:00 Do remittances and cash transfers have different impacts on poverty and expenditure patterns of recipient households? Looking at the Moldovan case. Jennifer Waidler (Maastricht University)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee & tea break
11:30 – 12:00 Migration, Remittances and Poverty: Evidence from the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Data in the Philippines. Alellie B. Sobreviñas (University of Antwerp)
12:00 – 12:30 Transnational families and job performance of migrant parents: The case of Angolan and Nigerian parents in the Netherlands. Karlijn Haagsman (Maastricht University)
12:30 – 13:00 – Discussion
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
Panel 4: Transnational families
Chair: Valentina Mazzucato (Maastricht University, MACIMIDE Research Theme Leader: Transnational families)
14.00 – 14:30 Mobile children: the effects of migration on children who circulate. Joan van Geel (Maastricht University). Discussant: Sara Furstenau (University of Münster)
14:30 – 15:00 Child circulation in and from China during the transnational adoption boom. Júlia Vich Bertran (Maastricht University). Discussant: Virginie Baby Collin (University of Aix Marseille)
15.00 – 15:30 Researching ‘Shipped Children’: Reflections on Fieldwork with the children from transnational Ghanaian families in the UK. Emma Abotsi (University of Oxford). Discussant: Heike Niedrig (University of Hamburg)
15:30 – 16.00 Coffee & tea break
16.00 – 16:30 Going home’: Migrants’ imagined connections and home creation in ‘spaces of exception. Shannon Damery (University of Liège). Discussant: Lies Wesseling (Maastricht University)
16.30 – 17:00 The construction of transnational migratory career: The case of Ecuadorian and Colombian care-workers in the global city of Brussels. Maria Vivas (University of Liège). Discussant: Valentina Mazzucato (Maastricht University)
17.00 – 17:30 – Discussion
17.30 End of workshop