Newsletter European Web Site on Integration, 14 March 2016

WELCOME! This is the 79th issue of the European Web Site on Integration’s newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration sends you a selection of content recently published on the Site.
Largest-ever European survey of immigrants gives big picture on long-term integration
The largest survey ever of working-age immigrants and the 2nd generation in all EU countries was recently published by Eurostat. This is the EU Labour Force Survey’s 2014 ad hoc module on the labour market situation of immigrants and their immediate descendants. While major destination countries are currently focusing on their response to newcomer refugees and their specific needs, the EU’s Labour Force Survey recent results remind the public that integration is a long-term process. Key findings
OECD booklet and local practices on refugee integration
The OECD published a policy-oriented booklet reviewing OECD countries’ experiences with the integration of refugees and humanitarian migrants. The booklet entitled Refugees and others in need of protection is the first volume of the OECD series Making Integration Work, developed with support from Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium. It presents 10 lessons and examples of good practice from OECD countries, complemented by comparisons of the policy frameworks for the integration of humanitarian migrants in OECD countries. The 10 lessons
Preliminary results of the first ever study on democratic under-representation of immigrants
The “Pathways to Power” research project presented its preliminary results on the political representation of immigrant-origin MPs in Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. This study is the first of its kind to compare in a systematic way the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin across European countries. Key findings

Brussels – 2nd meeting of European Migration Forum06/04/2016 09:00
(European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Brussels, Belgium)
The European Migration Forum – the civil society dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration – will meet for the second time on 6 and 7 April 2016 at the EESC’s headquarters. Following up on the subject discussed at the first meeting (the management of mixed flows…
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Bilbao – INTEGRIM-SCRIBANI Final Conference
06/07/2016 14:00
(University of Deusto, Bilbao)
The Pedro Arrupe Human Rights Institute at the University of Deusto is organising the final conference of the INTEGRIM research and training programme. The event will be held in conjunction with the Academic Jesuit Network Scribani ’s bi-annual conference on 6-8 July 2016…
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Turku – To Stay or Not To Stay? Seminar on International students’ experiences and socio-economic integration
15/03/2016 13:15
(Auditorium Armfelt, Arken, Åbo Akademi, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku, Finland)
On 15 march 2016, The Institute of Migration will hold a seminar on International students’ experiences and socio-economic integration in Turku. The first part of the event will consist of the presentation of the PATH project , which establishes paths of services for international…
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Luxembourg – International conference on statelessness
15/04/2016 09:00
(Campus Kirchberg of the University of Luxembourg (6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi – Room Paul Feidert).)
The Luxembourg National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) is organising a Conference on Statelessness on the Campus Kirchberg of the University of Luxembourg. The Conference taking place on 15 April 2016 will address ways to tackle statelessness and allow the…
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Latest NewsGermany: Refugees launch newspaper for refugees
A group of volunteer refugees have founded Abwab (Doors), an Arabic newspaper with helpful information and stories of hope. Abwab is Germany’s first newspaper for refugees. It is made and run by refugees. Its contributors are both Syrians and Iraqis, while its layout designer is based in…
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Romania: Imminent implementtation of the EU relocation scheme, accommodation remains an unsolved issue
In early March 2016, Romania will receive the first migrants within the relocation scheme agreed at the EU level. The country is expected to receive a total of 6,205 migrants in the next 2 years. According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration, cited by Euroactiv , Romania has already…
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Austria: 32,300 pupils attend lessons in mother tongue
Nearly 32,000 pupils in Austria have mother tongue education. This is approximately 19 per cent of all students with a first language other than German, according to a survey of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education. A total of 24 languages were offered. Further information (in…
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France: Regard sévère de l’ONU sur le respect des droits des enfants migrants
Après l’audition de la délégation française, les 13 et 14 janvier 2016 à Genève, par le comité des droits de l’enfant de l’ONU, ce dernier a rendu, le 4 février 2016, son rapport sur la situation de la France au regard de l’application de…
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Slovakia: Migration and Integration in political programmes for the upcoming ellections
The next parliamentary election in Slovakia is due to be held on 5 March 2016 and according to NGOs , a responsible migration, asylum, and integration policy should be one of the priorities of the next government. Although often limited to security interpretations, migration is…
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Netherlands: One in six Dutch firms launched in 2014 were foreigner-owned
New figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that one in six companies launched in the Netherlands in 2014 was created by someone who has either dual nationality or is a foreign national. The 23,000 ‘foreigners’ who started a companies were on average younger than Dutch…
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Czech republic: UNHCR launches a pro-refugee campaign called “We ourselves were refugees”
The new UNHCR campaign is intended to communicate that the current refugee crisis is no different than times in the past when Central and Eastern Europeans sought asylum in other countries. “Through the campaign, UNHCR wishes to draw attention to the fact that when people are forced…
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Bulgaria: New cross-organisational project to support the adaptation and integration of asylum seekers
Four of the major Bulgarian NGOs working for the integration of refugees and asylum seekers (Caritas – Bulgaria, Bulgarian Red Cross, Council of Refugee Women and Center Nadya) presented, during a press conference, their new complex project called ” Supporting the process of asylum…
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Spain: UNHCR will test in La Rioja a pioneer project for the integration of refugees
With the final aim of enabling refugees arriving in Spain to take root in the country and to contribute to its economic and cultural development, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is considering launching a unique experimental pilot project in La Rioja. The UNHCR representative in…
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Lithuania: EU resettlement programme triggers national social inclusion challenges
While the country is implementing EU’s resettlement programme, new challenges are emerging. For instance, the fact that Lithuanian education institutions that will receive refugee children will get 30 % more financing than those hosting other children led to controversy. However, according to…
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Integration Practices recently uploadedXEIX – Fostering intercultural relations around local businesses
The XEIX project which promote economical, social and cultural development is implemented in Barcelona neighbourhoods with an important presence of immigrant retailers. The local retail shops are the starting point from which the project takes multiple directions. Increased access to information…
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Histoire de deux mains pour demain – Dialogue intergénérationel
“Histoire de deux mains pour demain” est un travail de mémoire et de transmission de l’histoire de l’immigration. C’est l’histoire des immigrés seniors appelés pudiquement Chibanis (« cheveux blancs ») et celle des jeunes qui connaissent…
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Secrets from Diaries of Migrants on the Margin: More Inclusion for Beneficiaries of International Protection
The Project is a reaction to persisting integration barriers and problems beneficiaries of the international protection face in Slovakia. It aims at filling the knowledge gap about the situation of the target group and evaluating both the systematic state integration programs and the social work…
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Europe: €50,000 for the Top 3 of the European Social Innovation Competition
The 3 winners of the 2016 Social Innovation Competition will each receive a prize of €50,000. This year’s edition focuses on refugees and migrants, and encourages applications led by or co-created with one or both target groups. Under the theme ” Integrated Futures “, the European…
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Bulgaria: Funding opportunity for Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities
The Ministry of Education and Science through the General Directorate “Structural funds and international educational programs” opened a call for proposals BG05M20P001-3.002 Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities and / or asylum seekers or granted international protection .…
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