New publication: Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives
Tsourdi, E. (Lilian), & Zardo, F. (2025). Migration Governance Through Funding: Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Perspectives. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–15.
This special issue explores migration governance through funding while providing unique empirical insights into its design, rationale, use and implications. We embed the rise of funding as a governance tool within the broader debate on the externalization of migration control and the role of conditionality in inter-state relations. We then inductively identify three distinct types of migration governance through funding: earmarking, conditionality, and the whole of government approach. Finally, we explore the impact of governance through funding on migration governance and on diplomacy more broadly, highlighting three dimensions: accountability, transparency, and effectiveness.