Job offer: Research Assistant at Sciences Po (CEE) in open science project on surveys to ethnic and migrant minorities

We are seeking to appoint a Research Assistant to work with Prof Laura Morales (the Principal Investigator, PI) in the project “Making Ethnic and Migrant Minority Survey Data FAIR (FAIRETHMIGQUANT)”, grant number ANR-19-DATA-0004-0, of the Flash call programme DONNEES funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

FAIRETHMIGQUANT is a pilot project jointly undertaken by CEE, INED and CDSP in collaboration with GESIS and other French and European organisations, and in close cooperation with the H2020 project SSHOC and the COST Action 16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA.

The team led by Prof Morales at CEE will coordinate this project, as well as take care of the coordination of the collaboration with ETHMIGSURVEYDATA and SSHOC, in order to:

(1) Include French surveys on Ethnic and Migrant Minority (EMM) integration into a metadata registry being developed through ETHMIGSURVEYDATA,

(2) Conduct a French pilot for building an EMM component of the CESSDA-led European Question Bank (EQB),

(3) Leverage the lessons learned from the pilot to scale up the EMM component of the EQB to other surveys compiled by ETHMIGSURVEYDATA in 9 other European countries, and

(4) Foster strategic and durable relationships between French user communities and data service providers in France and Europe, so they can jointly contribute to France’s participation in the open science movement.

The appointed Research Assistant will thus join a large French and international team of experts from all across Europe on the integration of EMMs and on survey research and will have the chance to work on a research project that will break new ground in these fields. This is, thus, a unique opportunity to build a career in survey research focusing on this specific sub-population.

More specifically, the work will involve:

Ensuring that the French data is compiled in formats compatible with current international standards (DDI, Dublin Core, RDA recommendations, etc.);

  1. Ensuring that the French data is correctly processed through the EMM Survey Registry prepared by ETHMIGSURVEYDATA;
  2. Ensuring that the community of EMM survey data producers in France become aware of the existence of the EMM Survey Registry and use it for any new surveys created;
  3. Ensuring that the database is harvested by the relevant French platforms for open data in the social sciences (e.g. Isidore);
  4. Facilitating that data producers and owners of the original survey datasets who have not previously deposited the data on a data archive/repository deposit the data in one of the social science data archives in France (ideally, integrated in PROGEDO).
  5. Contributing to the work aimed at finding solutions for the automated retrieval of the questions from several hundreds of survey questionnaires that have for the most part not been processed as yet and in several languages;
  6. Ensuring that the EQB links to the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA EMM Survey Registry;
  7. Exploring the ways that will allow future data producers to add the questions of their own surveys into the EQB in an autonomous and decentralized fashion so that it is constantly updated;
  8. Exploring the ways that will allow for this stream of survey question metadata to be made Accessible and Interoperable, linked to OpenAire, the CESSDA Product and Service Catalogue, and any future European Open Science Cloud systems;
  9. Exploring the ways in which this stream of survey question metadata in the EQB can be integrated with the new platform that will be created by the H2020 project CROSS-MIGRATION.

For more information see:

Deadline for application: 5 pm (Paris, CET) on Friday 29th May 2020.