International Conference “No asylum and then…?”, KU Leuven
The international conference “No asylum and then…?” deals with the position of rejected asylum seekers: persons who did not get asylum by a final decision in an EU Member State and are thus considered persons without the right to stay within the EU. The conference will start with a lecture on the EU legal framework and policy regarding rejected asylum seekers followed by the presentation of the findings of our research project “No asylum and then..?”. Finally, a debate will be held with representatives of the different political groups in the European Parliament. The conference will provide you the opportunity to share your thoughts and participate in a debate on a burning issue in the EU.
The aim of this research and accompanying conference is to enable policy makers from the EU institutions and the single member states to develop policies addressing this phenomenon in an optimal way.
Practical information
Entrance fee: (pre-sale) Student = €10/Other = €20, (box office) all = €30.
Location: University hall, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
The programme of the day and more practical information is available at