03/04/2017 ILO Information Session: Employing a domestic worker in Geneva/France

ILO Information session on employing domestic workers in Geneva and France schedule for Monday 3 April 2017, 12:30-14:00 in Geneva, Room XI (R2) at ILO Headquaters, 4 routes des Morill.

The event will have the participation of Swiss and French authorities and is billed to raise awareness about decent work for domestic workers, many of whom are migrant domestic workers, as well as provide specific information on the employment of domestic workers in Geneva and France.

[gview file=”https://macimide.maastrichtuniversity.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Poster-info-session-DW-3rd-April.pdf”] [gview file=”https://macimide.maastrichtuniversity.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Poster-info-session-DW-April-FR.pdf”]ons, CH-1211.