Full-time faculty position in Migration Studies, Koc University, Turkey
Faculty Position in Migration Studies
Koç University would like to invite applicants for a full time faculty position in Migration Studies starting in September 2016. Koç University hosts a wide range of departments in social sciences and humanities with undergraduate and graduate programs as well as an active Migration Research Center (MIREKOC). We are especially interested in candidates, who hold PhDs in Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Migration Studies, and Anthropology, but will also consider applicants from other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. The candidate will be appointed as faculty member in the department relevant to his/her area of expertise and will also be expected to actively contribute to the Center. Candidates from all ranks are encouraged to apply. We especially encourage applications from candidates with interdisciplinary research agendas and experience in grant applications. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Full-time faculty position in Migration Studies starting in September 2016