Webinar: Understanding possibilities and limitations of data on intra-EU migration

Date(s) - 19/11/19
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Categories No Categories

All are welcome. This event will be live-streamed on YouTube.

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What defines an intra-EU migrant?What are the main migration corridors within the EU? What is the common profile of those moving within the EU? As part of Work Package 2of the REMINDER project, we conducted research on existing data sources on intra-EU migration which may be used to answer these and similar questions. We catalogued and synthesized statistical sources that provide information on different aspects of intra-EU mobility and brought them together in a user-friendly database. This “database of databases”gives insights into what available statistics can and cannot tell us about the scale and characteristics of EU mobility, while enabling comparisons of different mobility metrics across Member States. During this interactive Webinar, we will present our main findings on patterns and dynamics of intra-EU migration, discuss opportunities and limitations of existing data sources and introduce the database and its functionalities to potential users.

If you have any questions before registering, please contact Dr. Katrin Marchand.