28/03/19 – Seminar: Assessing the impact of international mobility on the development of Chinese science

Date(s) - 28/03/19
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

UNU-Merit, Boschstraat 24, Maastricht (Conference room 0.16-0.17)


Dr ir Koen Jonkers,

This paper, co-authored by Cong Cao, Jeroen Baas, Caroline Wagner and myself, provides an analysis of the contribution of overseas Chinese and returned scholars on the output of the Chinese research system. China is the country with the most extensive set of programmes to promote the return of its overseas scientists. This study presents a novel approach to assessing the dimensions of the stocks of overseas and returned scientists. It also assesses the relative contribution these scientists make to China’s high impact publications and international co-publications. It thus provides quantitative evidence of the important contribution scientific mobility has made to the emergence of Chinese science.

In addition to this paper, Koen will introduce the JRC and additional ongoing research into the role of universities in regional innovation ecosystems.

About the speaker

Koen Jonkers is Deputy Head of the Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growth Unit at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

The Unit supports the formulation of EU policies in collaboration with other JRC Units in a wide range of areas e.g. EMU, taxation, employment, education, innovation, regional policies and digital transformation.
Recently, it has assessed the challenges of the EU innovation ecosystem, the impact of financial instruments on high growth innovative companies, developed a framework for the assessment of the impact of Universities on innovation, mapped the drivers and barriers of European University partnerships, and is currently working on topics such as the future of education and work as well as the analysis of the Chinese R&I system.

Before joining the European Commission Koen worked as a Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the CSIC Institute for Public Goods and Policies. He holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and master degrees in both engineering and the social sciences from different European Universities.

Koen recently was a Cambridge Science and Policy Fellow and has made around 40 publications on Research and Innovation related policy issues.

To this end he has carried out extensive fieldwork in China, Japan, Latin America and various European countries. His present activities include the aforementioned research lines of his unit.