Save the date: MACIMIDE Annual Conference 23-24 September 2021

Date(s) - 23/09/21 - 24/09/21
All Day

Stay Okay Maastricht


On 23 September 2021 the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) in collaboration with the Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR) organizes its multidisciplinary and annual conference devoted to topics focusing on development and migration, return migration and displacement, migrants and the receiving society and migration in light of Covid19. In addition, we have a photo exhibition and several interesting workshops focussing on doing research during Covid19, the segregation of migrants and expats.

The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) is an expert centre on cross-border mobility, citizenship, transnationalism, migration and development which includes scholars from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, the Faculty of Law, the School of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.

Registration for the conference is open until 31 July 2021. You can register here.


Maasboulevard 101
6211 JW Maastricht

  • In case the 1,5m rule is still applicable only speakers/discussants will be able to be present at Stayokay and the audience will join online (due to the limited capacity of the meeting rooms).
  • In case the 1,5m rule is not applicable anymore, the conference will be fully offline.


08.30h Registration & Coffee
A photo exhibit on Expats versus Migrants will be displayed during the full day of the conference.
09.00h Welcome & Opening by Karlijn Haagsman (Co-director MACMIDE and Board member DAMR)
09.15h Photo Exhibit & Workshop: Segregating the migrant comunity: Expats vs Migrants

An interfaculty team of UM researchers, including many MACIMIDE researchers, has secured one of the 2021 UM D&I grants to invite people to think about and question the labels they put on others by zooming into the distinction made between migrants and expats. This is done by means of a virtual and physical photo exhibition portraying 20 foreign workers (some who identify as expat and some who identify as migrant) to highlight how migrants and expats may not look so different. This is followed by a workshop to discuss social categorisations related to migration (research) as well as their causes and consequences. The workshop could cover questions like: 1) Is the expat/migrant distinction justified? 2) what is the role of academics and universities in upholding the distinction? 3) Would rooting out this distinction have a meaningful impact on the acceptance of the migrant community? and 4) How could academics and universities contribute to overcoming this distinction?

10.30h Coffee break
11.00h Panel Session A: Development & Migration

  • Development Interventions and their Impact on Migration – Evidence from the Micro-Level by Sonja Fransen (UNU-Merit) & Niklas Mayer (FASoS), Maastricht University)
  • Negotiating power dynamics in transnational families: a youth-centric perspective about transitions out of secondary school by Onallia Osei (FASoS, Maastricht University)
  • Crime, Bribery and Migrant Remittances by Ana Isabel López García (Universität Konstanz) & Barry Maydom, Birkbeck (University of London)
11.00h Panel Session B: Migration & Covid19

  • Migrant entrepreneurs in the UK: how does gender matter during the crisis?by Katarzyna Andrejuk (Polish Academy of Sciences & University College London)
  • Integration Interrupted? Newly Arrived Iranian Migrant Women’s Experiences in Oslo during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis by Zahra Abbasi (University of Oslo)
  • Working Conditions in Essential Occupations and the Role of Migrants by Anton Nivorozhkin (IAB Institute for Employment Research) & Friedrich Poeschel (Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute)
12.30h Lunch
13.30h Panel Session C: Returnees & Displacement

  • Performing trustworthiness in a sea of uncertainty: volunteers’ interactions with Senegalese returnees  in Senegal and Germany by Karlien Strijbosch (FASoS, Maastricht University)
  • Crossing Borders During Displacement – (Transnational) Mobilities of South Sudanese Refugees in Northern Uganda by Sarah Vancluysen (University of Antwerp)
  • Warm weather, a frosty reception: the vulnerabilities of refugees to climate change by Sonja Fransen & Alex Hunns (UNU-Merit, Maastricht University)
  • The road less travelled: Voluntary return migration to Bosnia and Herzegovina –motivation, obstacles, reintegration strategies, and sustainability by Aida Ibričević (Independent researcher)
13.30h Panel Session D: Migrants & Receiving Societies

  • “A lack of pump”: nationalism and identification with the nation for naturalized Belgian citizens by Eline Delmarcelle (Université Libre de Bruxelles & Waseda University)
  • Long-Term Care Act (Wlz) coverage of European and international researchers, students and their families by Researchers ITEM (Law, Maastricht University)
  • Beyond Coping and Survival: Recognition Strategies of Filipino Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in the Netherlands by Lalaine Siruno (UNU-Merit, Maastricht University)
  • Explaining the initial residential location choice of highly skilled migrants in the Netherlands through the lens of integration capacity by Julia Reinold (UNU-Merit, Maastricht University)
15.30h Coffee break
16.00h Workshop Migration Fieldwork and Data Collection in a (post)pandemic world by Talitha Dubow & Charlotte Mueller (UNU-Merit, Maastricht University)
16.00h Workshop Research Communication by Karlien Strijbosch (FASoS, Maastricht University) & Nadine Blankvoort (CAPRI, Maastricht University) in collaboration with KNAW
17.30h Today’s Highlights and Closing
17.45h Drinks & Snacks (until 19.00h)