20/09/19 – MACIMIDE Annual Conference

Date(s) - 20/09/19
8:30 am - 7:00 pm

Van Eyck, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht, the Netherlands

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On 20 September 2019 the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development(MACIMIDE) (macimide.maastrichtuniversity.nl) organises its multidisciplinary Annual Conference devoted to topics focusing on education, return migration, migrants and the receiving society, labour market, knowledge transfer and corruption

This conference has received funding from SWOL, the MO-TRAYL project (ERC), the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and UNU-MERIT/ Maastricht Graduate School of Governance.

Click here to see the provisional programme of the Conference.

Please register your attendance before 10 September via this link.

In case you have any questions about the Annual Work conference, please get in touch with a member of the organising committee:

Karlijn Haagsman (FASoS, r.haagsman@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

Swantje Falcke (FASoS, s.falcke@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

Inge Hooijen (SBE; i.hooijen@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

José Victor Cremonesi Giarola (SBE; j.cremonesigiarola@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

Julia Reinold (UNU-MERIT/MSGoG, julia.reinold@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

Zvezda Vankova (FL, zvezda.vankova@maastrichtuniversity.nl)