30-31/10/2015: ITEM Opening Conference

Date(s) - 30/10/15 - 31/10/15
All Day

Maastricht Limburglaan 10, 6229 GA


ITEM Opening Conference

Cross-border work mobility, the international provision of services and the improvement of the investment and business climate are high priorities of the European Union and within the border regions in particular. The countries of the European Union are confronted with great challenges following the increasing globalisation of the economy and the internationalisation of the current and future society. To accept these challenges, international and regional cross-border cooperation is crucial.

The expertise centre ITEM – Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility – has been established to reduce the mentioned impediments with regard to cross-border activities. ITEM will be the pivot of research, counselling, knowledge exchange and training activities with respect to cross-border mobility and cooperation. ITEM is an initiative of Maastricht University (UM), the Dutch Centre of Expertise and Innovation on Demographic Changes (NEIMED; a part of Zuyd Hogeschool), the city of Maastricht and the (Dutch) Province of Limburg.


On Friday, 30th October, the grand opening will take place in the presence of many dignitaries.
In the afternoon, the cross-border issues will be discussed more deeply. What problems e.g. are cross-border workers confronted with? What challenges do public bodies have to address? What does it take to improve the cross-border cooperation in the future?

On Saturday, 31st October, you are invited to participate in one of the workshops on cross-border issues such as cross-border social security, diploma recognition, work mobility and crime and possible solutions on several levels.

Full programme.

English is the official language at the conference.

Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility / ITEM
www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/item item@maastrichtuniversity.nl