08/03/2017 GTD Colloquium – Education for All, the North/South dilemma and decolonizing the minds

Date(s) - 08/03/17
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm



Globalization, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium

When: March 8, 2017, from 15:30 to 17:00

Where: Spiegelzaal Soiron building – Grote Gracht 80-82, Maastricht University

 The topic of this lecture is:

Education for All, the North/South dilemma and decolonizing the minds

By Clara Carvalho

Center of International Studies (CEI-IUL)


Education for All, the program launched by UNESCO in 2000, aimed at expanding primary education worldwide and ensuring that groups usually left behind, such as girls or ethnic minorities, would enroll in school. This ideal was expressed in the Millennium Development Goals and rephrased in the new goals of the Sustainable Development. But what kind of education are we speaking about? What is the ideal of “for all” hiding? 

Departing from the example of the implementation of Education for All programs in Guinea-Bissau, I’ll discuss the limits and restrictions of this model. The goal of universal education requires the effort of international agendas, local governments, civil society organizations, teachers and the community. Also, it demands a new posture towards education, a “decolonization of minds” in Fanon perspective, a position that African Studies have long adopted. Can we rethink Education for All programs from this perspective?

Clara Carvalho is the Chair of the Center of International Studies (CEI-IUL), Lisbon. She is the president of Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS), a group set up in 1991 in order to build upon the resources and the research potential available within Africanist institutions of the European Union. She is Auxiliary Professor at the Department of Anthropology of the ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon. She has been invited Professor at the Université de Lille (2002-2003) and the Brown University (2004). She has conducted research about the recreation of tradition in Guinea-Bissau from 1992 till 1997, the policy of colonization in Guinea-Bissau and colonial iconography (“Ambiguous Representations. Power and mimesis in colonial Guiné” in Etnográfica, Lisbon, 2002; A Persistência da História (ed., with João Pina Cabral), Lisboa, ICS, 2005; O Visual e o Quotidiano, ed. with José Machado Pais e Neuza de Gusmão, Lisboa, ICS, 2008). She is currently conducting research on gender and global health issues (“De Paris a Jeta, de Jeta a Paris. Percusos migratórios e ritos terapêuticos entre França e a Guiné-Bissau”, in Etnográfica, Lisbon, 2001; “Guinean Migrant Traditional Healers in the Global Market” in Medicine, Mobility and Power in Global Africa. Transnational Health and Healing, edited by Hansjörg Dilger, Abdoulaye Kane and Stacey Langwick, Indiana University Press 2013, Mulheres no mercado da Saúde, Coimbra, Almedina, 2014).

Upcoming GTD colloquia:

April 5, Dennis Arnold, Department of Human Geography, University of Amsterdam

May 24: Joint AMC/GTD colloquium, Prof. Brigit Meyer, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University