13-14/10/2016 Farewell Seminar: “The future of nationality law” by Prof. Gerard-René de Groot

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Date(s) - 13/10/16 - 14/10/16
All Day

Groote Societeit, Vrijthof 36


Farewell Seminar

The future of nationality law

by Prof. Gerard-René de Groot, Faculty of Law



Thursday, 13 October 2016

13.15 Registration/ Coffee or tea

14.00 Welcome by Prof. Hildegard Schneider, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University

Chair: Dr. Sergio Carrera Nuñez, CEPS Brussels/ Maastricht University

14.10 Prof. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Tilburg University/ Amsterdam University, The right to be a citizen

14.40 Prof. Jo Shaw, Edinburgh University, The future of the relationship between nationality of a Member State and European citizenship

15.10 Prof. Ulli Jessurun d’Oliveira, emeritus University of Amsterdam, Plural Nationality Revisited

15.40 Coffee / tea break

16.10 Dr. Laura van Waas, Tilburg University, How to avoid cases of statelessness in the future?

16.40 Prof. Rainer Bauböck, European University Institute, The significance of external citizenship for free movement and political participation

17.10 Dr. Olivier Vonk, Université de Liège, Towards a wordwide database on nationality law

17.40 Drinks, followed by dinner

21.30 End of the first day

Friday, 14 October 2016

9.00 Reception with coffee and tea

Chair: Prof. Kees Groenendijk, emeritus Radboud University, Nijmegen

9.30 Prof. Patrick Wautelet, Université de Liège, Protection of nationality against loss and quasi-loss

10.00 Dr. Bronwen Manby, London, The future of nationality law in Africa

10.30 Mr. Guayasén Marrero Gonzalez, Maastricht University, Consequences for European Citizenship and Residents Rights

11.00 Panel discussion chaired by Prof. Maarten Vink, Maastricht University/ European University Institute. Panelists: Dr. Sergio Carrera Nuñez, Dr. Eva Ersbøll, Prof. Kees Groenendijk, Prof. Elspeth Guild, Prof. Peter Rodrigues

12.30 End of the conference

16.00 Valedictory lecture by Prof. Gerard-René de Groot as Professor of Comparative law and Private International Law at Maastricht University, Towards a toolbox for nationality legislation. Venue: Sint Janskerk, Vrijthof 24, Maastricht

17.30 Reception in the main building of Maastricht University, Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht

Please register here.

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