4 December: Migration Seminar “Between wish and reality: migration aspirations, intentions and realisation” by Franck Duvell

Date(s) - 04/12/13
11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Grote Gracht 80-82, Spiegelzaal (Soiron Building) Maastricht


Between wish and reality: migration aspirations, intentions and realisation

by Franck Duvell

Globalisation, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) organized in association with Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE)


Public opinion often holds that millions of people would flood the EU if they could. Also Surveys like the Gallup study or the Eumagine project imply that hundreds of millions of people or halve the working age population in countries to the East and South of the EU have the aspiration to migrate. Much smaller proportions, however, do have actual migration intentions and even fewer subsequently realise their ambitions. This lecture takes a macro-micro link perspective, applies the human capability theorem, critically interrogates concepts of aspirations and intentions in migration theory and then considers real-life features including migration and information networks to contribute to an explanation of the gap between migration aspirations and migration outcomes.

About the speaker

Franck Duvell is senior researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS),University of Oxford. He has a PhD in Sociology, and was research fellow at the European University Institute, Florence and the University of Exeter. Prior to coming to COMPAS he was a lecturer in sociology, geography and political science at the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies (CEuS), University of Bremen and continues to be an associated fellow of CEuS. Franck has worked on irregular immigration, highly skilled migrants, health issues, and aspects of migration politics and management on EU and international level. He also works closely with migrants and refugee rights agencies all over Europe. Currently his projects include work on East West migration and transit migration through Turkey and Ukraine.