Date(s) - 30/03/20 - 31/03/20
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The Maastricht Centre for European Law is launching a call for papers for a workshop on Migration and EU Borders. This workshop forms part of a series of four workshops within the Jean Monnet NOVA-EU project. NOVA-EU aims to stimulate discussion and enhance research into four key challenges:
- Digitalisation, Ethics and EU Fundamental Rights;
- Migration and EU Borders;
- Social and Sustainable Europe v. Free Trade Europe;
- EU Rule of Law and Democracy.
The workshop Migration and EU Borders aims to contribute to the academic and policy debate by discussing these highly important issues in an interdisciplinary setting. It will include speakers from diverse disciplines such as law, humanities, social sciences, and migration studies. Given the applied nature of NOVA-EU project, we strongly encourage participants to reflect on the problems also from the policy perspective with the view of offering policy recommendations during the workshop. The latter will form a springboard for a policy brief to be presented to the European Commission as one of the outputs of the project.
For more information and the Call for Papers, see
See in attachment the programme. [gview file=””]
For more information, see: