27/06/2017 MiLifeStatus Kick-Off Conference

Date(s) - 27/06/17
9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Turnzaal, Grote Gracht 90-92, Maastricht


The programme of the kick-off conference can be downloaded here.

The kick-off conference is a closed working conference. We have a limited number of places for external participants who want to attend the plenary part of the conference and the post-conference drinks and dinner.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail with a brief specification of your interest in the topic and a link to your personal website and/or CV by Friday 16 June to Swantje Falcke: s.falcke@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Applicants will be notified by Tuesday 20 June whether they will be able to attend.

Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition (MiLifeStatus) When does citizenship provide a boost to migrant integration? A fast-track to citizenship can maximise the potential for settlement success, though too short a pathway can disincentivise integration. Not all migrants have an equal interest in naturalising and some are discouraged by restrictive policies. Yet little is known about why, how and for whom legal status transition matters and, especially, how policy variation impacts on this relation. Which migrants are most discouraged by stricter requirements for naturalisation? For whom carries citizenship the largest pay-off? Does it still matter if a migrant acquires citizenship after a long waiting period? This project combines for the first time the ideas that a) migrants have different motivations to naturalise; b) legal status transitions are conditioned by the institutional and socioeconomic contexts in origin and destination countries and c) the potential ‘integration premium’ associated with naturalisation is conditioned by the trajectory into citizenship. In this one-day conference, during the morning the project members will discuss their research plans and share some first results with colleagues from Europe and North America who have been invited to act as commentators. In the afternoon there will be additional presentations by invited speakers. More information about the MiLifeStatus project: www.milifestatus.com 

[gview file=”https://macimide.maastrichtuniversity.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/MiLifeStatusConference_Program1.pdf”]