18/04/2018 GTD Colloquium by Joost Oorthuizen

Date(s) - 18/04/18
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Grote Gracht 80-82, Spiegelzaal (Soiron Building) Maastricht


Globalization, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium

When: April 18, 2018, from 15.30 to 17.00

Where: Spiegelzaal

The topic of this lecture is:

Working with international business for the SDGs: how well does that work? 

Joost Oorthuizen

Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)



IDH convenes companies, CSOs, governments and others in public-private partnerships. It currently works with over 350 companies on 12 commodity sectors and in 11 landscapes globally.  The aim is to create positive impact in terms of value chain development (jobs, investments) and deal with pressing issues like deforestation, living incomes, working conditions, toxic loading and gender. Joost Oorthuizen is the CEO of IDH. Using a few case studies, he will discuss the limits and opportunities of working with businesses to further the SDG agenda.

Dr. Joost Oorthuizen is the general Director of the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), a government funded organization that is accelerating and up scaling sustainable trade through public private partnerships. He worked as a senior consultant with Twynstra Gudde in which he guided multinational companies, governments and civil society organisations in establishing innovative partnerships. Before that he worked for Agri-Profocus where he set up alliances for agricultural value chains in developing countries. In 2003, Joost got his PhD at Wageningen University on large-scale water management in the Philippines, after which he took a postgraduate training on change management at the SIOO.

Upcoming GTD Colloquium:

  • Wednesday 16, May 2018: Laura Mann (London School of Economics)