15/03/2017 Migration Seminar: Using integration policy indexes to measure policy determinants and outcomes: The do’s and don’ts for researchers

Date(s) - 15/03/17
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

UNU-Merit, Boschstraat 24, Maastricht (Conference room 0.16-0.17)


In the upcoming seminar, Mr. Thomas Huddleston (Migration Policy Group) will present “Using integration policy indexes to measure policy determinants and outcomes: The do’s and don’ts for researchers“. The seminar will be held from 12:00-13:00 in room 0.16/0.17 of the UNU-MERIT building at Boschstraat 24. A sandwich lunch will be provided.

Abstract: The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is the most comprehensive and cited of the several migration and integration policy indexes created over the past decade. These indexes are usually designed to be used for multivariate analysis of policy determinants and policy outcomes. In other words, what contextual or political factors influence whether or not a country adopts a certain policy? And which integration policies are systematically associated with certain positive or negative integration outcomes? Many researchers are now combining these indexes with big data sources, but are they properly matching policies and outcomes? Or are these analyses misunderstanding how policies are adopted and work in practice? The last MIPEX edition (2015) reviewed all the multivariate uses of MIPEX to measure policy outcomes and the links with public opinion. Thomas Huddleston will present the recommendations for researchers using integration policy indexes for multivariate analysis, specifically of policy outcomes. This tutorial workshop will also point to “best practices” and specific effective uses in multivariate analysis. Background materials for this interactive seminar can be accessed online, including The Dynamics Between Integration Policies and Outcomes: A Synthesis of the Literature and Integration Policies and Public Opinion: In Conflict or in Harmony?

Speaker biography: Thomas Huddleston, Programme Director on Migration and Integration at the Migration Policy Group and part-time PhD fellow at Maastricht University, Campus Brussels. He will be taking up a part-time Senior Visiting Fellowship at the Maastricht Center for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) from 1 March until the end of 2017. Thomas coordinates MPG’s research on legal immigration and the integration of migrants and refugees, which largely focuses on national and EU policies and their effectiveness for integration outcomes. His areas of expertise focus on the quantitative measurement and evaluation of the success or failure of integration policies to respond to the specific needs of migrants and refugees and to facilitate their integration process over time. He designed and supervises as International Research Coordinator of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (www.mipex.eu), the Refugee Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) and the recent EU content of the European Website on Integration (EWSI). He has coordinated research for the EU’s Indicators on Migrant Integration, the third edition of the European Commission’s Handbook on Integration, the Immigrant Citizens Survey and the UNHCR Budapest’s pilot of the Refugee Integration Evaluation Tool. He is a member of the consortium of EUDO-Citizenship, the main source of information on citizenship policies in Europe and the Americas. His specific thematic areas of expertise include family reunification, naturalisation, immigrant political participation and the education of migrant and refugee children (SIRIUS network). He also chairs the quarterly migration subgroup of the NGO Platform on EU Migration and Asylum.