Date(s) - 13/09/17
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Grote Gracht 80-82, Spiegelzaal (Soiron Building) Maastricht
Globalisation, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium
When: September 13, 2017, from 15.30 to 17.00
Where: Spiegelzaal Soiron building – Grote Gracht 80-82, Maastricht University
The topic of this lecture is:
Can the subaltern file claims? The World Bank Inspection Panel and subaltern articulation
By Aram Ziai
University of Kassel
According to Gayatri Spivak, the problem with subaltern articulation is that the subaltern lack 1) the ability and 2) the opportunity to articulate their interests, and that 3) their articulations are not ‘heard’, i.e. they have no political effect. Since its inception in 1994, the World Bank Inspection Panel has worked as a mechanism of accountability in this international organization. People negatively affected by World Bank projects are given the opportunity to file claims against the violation of social and environmental standards. While some scholars argue that the Inspection Panel has led to a democratization of global economic governance, this contribution employs an empirical case study to examine whether and to what extent it has actually provided an effective voice for the subaltern.
Aram Ziai is Heisenberg-Professor of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies and head of the research area. His focus lies in the fields of development theory and policy, postcolonial and Post-Development approaches and global economic governance. He has studied in Aachen and Dublin (TCD) (MA in sociology, minors history and English literature), got his PhD in political science in Hamburg and his habilitation in political science in Kassel. Afterwards he had research and teaching posts in the universities of Aachen, Magdeburg, Kassel, Amsterdam (UvA), Wien (IE), Bonn (ZEF) and Accra (Legon).
Upcoming GTD colloquium:
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 11, October 2017: Hortense Jogen (FASoS)
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 8, November 2017: Ana Rodriguez (War Child Holland)
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 6, December 2017: Assaf Dahdah (Aix-Marseille University )
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 24, January 2018: Sara Kinsbergen (Nijmegen University)
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 21, February 2018: Mathias Czaika (University of Oxford)
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Wednesday 14, March 2018: Ruben Gonzalez (Leiden University)