10/10/18 – GTD Colloquium: Executing and analysing fieldwork

Date(s) - 10/10/18
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Grote Gracht 80-82, Spiegelzaal (Soiron Building) Maastricht


Topic: Executing and analysing fieldwork

Participants: Daan Hovens, Pomme van de Weerd & Areesha Banglani

In 2017, Daan Hovens participated as an ethnographer in the production work of a metal foundry in the Dutch-German border area. Through an analysis of the language practices that he observed (and recorded), Daan explores how socialisation processes work in what can be conceptualised as ‘transient multilingual communities’.

Pomme van de Weerd’s research is on the role of language in identification practices. She has conducted ethnographic fieldwork among vocational school (‘vmbo’) pupils in Venlo to investigate the role of languages other than Dutch (such as Turkish, or the Venlo dialect), and language in general, in pupil’s identifications. During this presentation, she will go over some of her findings.

In her MA thesis, Areesha Banglani attempted to bring forth a decolonial approach to education whereby the pedagogy is trusted in the hands of subaltern and oppressed groups. By engaging with works of scholars of decoloniality and post-development, specifically the pedagogical philosophy of Paulo Freire, she looked into the sharing, creation and negotiation of knowledges that occur within the space of Ladies Dhaba (public meeting place for women in the Global South). Banglani argues for an approach to learning that does not work solely with ideas of economic empowerment but rather focuses on societal inequalities and human conditions.