ERC grants for MACIMIDE researchers Valentina Mazzucato and Maarten Vink
ERC grants for MACIMIDE researchers Valentina Mazzucato and Maarten Vink
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded two ERC Consolidator Grants to MACIMIDE researchers Valentina Mazzucato and Maarten Vink. Valentina received the grant for her project ‘Mobility trajectories of young lives: Life chances of transnational youths in Global South and North’ and Maarten for his project ‘Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition’.
These highly prestigious individual subsidies of up to a maximum of €2 million will enable the two researchers to further expand their scientific research and to hire new researchers for a period of five years.
Professor Sophie Vanhoonacker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, congratulates the two winners of these prestigious grants: “These ERC grants are a recognition of the ground-breaking research by Valentina and Maarten. This is a great success both for the faculty and for the Maastricht Centre of Citizenship, Migration and Development.”
See here for more information about the ERC project on ‘Mobility trajectories of young lives: Life chances of transnational youths in Global South and North’ by Valentina Mazzucato.
See here for more information about the ERC project on ‘Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition’ by Maarten Vink.